S23 with the most 2023 no. 1 encrypted security in the world making it impossible for hackers or thieves to access your business or personal information. We have encrypted the USB via hardware and software. We have also force encrypted the chipest of the device using special software no one has got for Samsung. This is not any KNOX QR code or KNOX software installed. This is the latest build for Samsung security made by ourselves in house with no third party risks. We are known to provide secure handsets for 3 years without any issues, and we keep up-to-date with all hacking tools out there. If you lose this device, no one is opening it to steal any info at all; it self wipes if there are any USB interactions. It comes pre-loaded with all day-to-day apps, and I provide your privacy for the first 6 months. After 6 months, it is £400 per 6 month renewal.